Wednesday 13 April 2011

Stand your Ground Silver Liberation Army!

Yesterday, I sent out a post and said to BTFD! Looks like members across the board stood their ground in the commodities index and found a solid footing.

Silver Fought back today staying above $40 USD, a key psychological level (as any round number is). Stay focused on the long term. Silver is going to $500 USD an ounce.

These swings we are seeing now, in the long term are going to be laughable. As volatility is bound to increase going forward in both Gold and Silver. Keep your eyes on the big picture. Stay healthy, stay strong, and keep your Silver safe.

P.S: Members of the SLA and friends of the SLA, make sure to re-tweet this blog on your twitter accounts and  also share it on your facebook accounts. As this is a surefire way to make this campaign go viral, and gain back your financial freedom and liberties.

- Silver Bug