Monday 18 July 2011

Sold, Bought, Consolidation, Rise!

So while on board the last rocket ship that took silver to almost $50 per oz, I recommended a sell in the $46-$48 Level. In hindsight that was spot on.

I then said it would consolidate to the $34-$36 level, in hindsight that appears to be almost exactly what happened.

I then recommended a buy once it reached the $34 level. Again another good move.

Once the buy (which hopefully you placed) occured I warned that it would be slow going for the next couple of months as both Gold and Silver consolidated to build their new launching pad.

Well the predictions appear to have played out exactly as planned. Which rarely they come together so precisely!

I hope everyone took some form of this recommendation over the last couple of month. If you did you are sitting pretty and ready to ride this wave to its next leg higher. Good work and enjoy!

- Yours Truly