Saturday 17 May 2014

1 Oz .999 Warbird Silver Bullet Silver Shield Debt and Death Bullion Round

The fifth coin by Chris Duane in the Silver Bullet Silver Shield series has been released. This coin is titled the Warbird and challenges the image of the traditional iconic American silver eagle coin. As with all of the silver bullet silver shield coins, this on is steeped in symbolism.

Below is Chris Duane's explanation of what you see on the coin:

"The all-seeing eye is a long used symbol of the elite to spread the idea that they are all-seeing and therefore all-powerful. The truth is that they are weak parasites that need us to sacrifice ourselves to them, because they are incapable of producing any real value. The all-seeing eye is used on our dollar bill and even DARPA's Total Informational Awareness program that is the father of the Prism Scandal that Ed Snowden exposed. This symbol is the power and enabler of the elite's conspiracy of Full Spectrum Dominance.

We no longer need to fear them looking down at us. They need to fear us looking up at them and walking away from the bottom of their pyramid that we hold up.

In the Warbird, the Bald Eagle was replaced by another predator, the aptly named Predator Drone. Like Ben Franklin's opposition to the Bald Eagle being the symbol of our nation, the Predator Drone is a symbol of everything that is wrong with America today. We have become further detached from the reality of our actions to the point we don't even need to send men to nations that oppose our Debt and Death way of life.

The feathers of the Warbird are represented by the absolutely incredible, blood splatter, sculpting that the famed Sculptress Heidi Wastweet created. No other coin that I know of has used a splatter technique in sculpting a coin. This stunning representation of the real blood that is spilled by the Debt and Death Empire is even marked by her initials HW to the left of the Shield.

The Shield represents the patriotic propaganda this Debt and Death Empire hides behind. People must believe they are doing good and are given stories to use in their head to justify their active or passive participation in this Debt an Death Empire. This propaganda is mostly focused on those that make the system function. It assuages any tinges of guilt they may have with rationalizations. When that does not work, you can simply pop a pill to make the cognitive dissonance depression go away.

The banner Divide and Conquer replaces E Plurbis Unam of the American Silver Eagle. While we are told that we are a nation built out of many into one, the reality is the real power is created in dividing and conquering people. This is the same old playbook that has been used by the elite for centuries to divide and conquer people that goes back to Diocletian. We have far more in common with the average Iraqi than any of the psychopathic financial or political leaders we sacrifice and kill for.

Below the Shield, is the true goal of our empire spreading the chains of debt to the willing and the arrows of death to the unwilling.

This is the 3rd time the 5 arrows have been used in the Silver Bullet Silver Shield Series. It was first used in the Debt and Death coin that started the series, where the crest of the Rothschild banking fortune was exposed for the debt and death they trust.
"Let me control the money supply and I care not who sits on the throne." Baron Rothschild

The 5 arrows were then used in the Slave Queen where the true Rothschild power was behind the British Empire.

This time the five arrows represent the Rothschild owed Federal Reserve that empowers the American Debt and Death Empire.

This first coin in the new series produced by the ISO Certified Golden State Mint also has a new Silver Bullet Silver Shield Reverse. It still has the resonating phrases of A Conscious Solution to Collectivist Problems and Listen To All Follow None. These phrases boldly empower the individual to see that we are the solution. We do not have to change the world to make ourselves free. We simply need to change ourselves to make our world free.

The 47 bullets represent the atomic number of silver and the shield has been changed to add another powerful concept of the Trivium.

The Trivium was the second coin produced in the series and the first positive coin in the series. The Trivium breaks the two step, input output, slave thought process of our indoctrination.

The Trivium is using Grammar to interpret words, symbols, or idea.

Logic gives the individual the power to ask questions like why are they being presented this information? To whom does this benefit? And what is the most likely outcome of what they are observing?

Finally Rhetoric is the ability to transmit their logic to others and the ability to defend or amend their conculsions.

The Trivium is represented by the ellipses that were formed in the original Trivium coin and the three symbols at the top of the Shield.

The Key represents the ability to use grammar to unlock the meaning of what your are observing.

The Arrow represents Logic. In mathematics the arrow is used to imply if... then scenarios.

The 5 exploding lines represent Rhetoric and the ability to speak out about your conclusions."

- Visit Silver Gold Bull, to purchase or learn more about Silver Bullet Silver Shield