Thursday 12 June 2014

Too Good to Be True? Legally Avoid Paying Income Tax

By Louis James, Chief Metals & Mining Investment Strategist

When you hear about strategies that claim to legally allow US citizens to avoid having to pay income tax, the first thing that probably comes to mind is that it’s some sort of cockamamie scheme.

The US government is no slouch when it comes to shaking down its citizens for every penny. It would be foolish in the extreme to think you could slip one past them.

There really was no sure way to legally escape the suffocating grip of the US government besides death and renouncing your US citizenship… until recently.

A new option has emerged that allows Americans to significantly reduce or eliminate income tax altogether. At first it sounds impossible, but as Casey Research’s Chief Metals and Mining Strategist Louis James has found out for himself, this is 100% real and legitimate.

And for many Americans, including individuals operating on a modest scale, it could really be game-changing.

The video below is a recent presentation Louis gave on this jaw-dropping opportunity.

If you are at all interested in keeping more money in your pocket, you won’t want to miss it.

Puerto Rico’s Stunning New Tax Advantages is the authoritative guide on the Puerto Rico option. It’s been reviewed by dozens of professional sources in Puerto Rico and the mainland US, including top law firms and accountants. It’s an A-Z guide with information you won’t find anywhere else. If you’re considering taking advantage of these incentives, get started with this guide. It will save you a lot of time and money in the process. Click here to learn more.