Saturday 20 December 2014

James Turk On Gold And Silver Manipulation And The Dollar

James Turk of says, “COMEX is just a side show. It’s just a paper market. The action is taking place over here in London. You are seeing this huge backwardation. If you want to put a big order in, say $50 million for physical metal, you can’t get that metal tomorrow. You are going to have to wait for a while before you can get that metal. That’s sign to me that gold is cheap. The same thing is happening in silver. As a result of that, you are going to see much higher prices as we move to the end of the year.” Turk goes on to add, “We’ve seen the slow burn in the dollar. You have these blips up and down and, right now, we are having this momentary blip of dollar strength, but eventually, it will go over the edge of the cliff. That is, ultimately, what happens when a currency collapses. Eventually, people realize the currency no longer makes sense.”

- Source, USA Watchdog