Saturday 2 June 2018

David Jensen: Oil for Gold Endgame

Topics Covered include: 

- An introduction and a back ground of who David is. - China, Russia, Iran... what is going on with the Petro Yuan oil trade and gold flows to the east? (even perhaps India?) 

- We all understand that both the LBMA and COMEX are paper derivative price hangers, lets discuss who has most influence over the day to day price and how this game likely ends and perhaps unfolds. 

- Palladium supply demand situation at the moment (Palladium Price) 

- I have heard you mention in past interviews your disdain for watching day to day prices for precious metals set mostly by the COMEX and secondarily in London. 

What suggestion would you have for beaten down precious metal investors out there? - The Chinese long gold bullion game started in 1979, still unfolding.