Wednesday 8 August 2018

Dave Janda: Twelve Attempts on President Trump’s Life Won’t Stop Indictments

Dr. Dave Janda, host of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom,” says, “There have been 12 attempts on President Trump’s life.” 

This is a story that has not been released to the mainstream press, and Janda says it will not stop the first wave of indictments for the people who tried to illegally remove President Trump from office in a failed coup. 

Dr. Janda also says the very top people in the New World Order, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, will not escape justice. Dr. Janda says, “If that doesn’t happen, then nothing will have changed.” 

In closing, Janda says there is some very good news coming. Janda contends, “I truly believe our country will be far better off, freedoms and liberties restored and a way of life restored that is not a two-tiered system that has one set of rules for players for the Deep State and one set of rules for the 99.9% of us. 

The country will be far better off, every American will be far better off and the world will be far better off.”

- Source, USA Watchdog