Friday 3 August 2018

Ronnie Stoferle: Emerging Markets Very Worried About This US Dollar Rally?

Ronnie has been writing the extensive and well respected "In Gold We Trust Report" now for 12 years. 

During this 50+ minute interview, Jason asks Ronnie about the global macro situation including the recent US Dollar rally, the Fed's plan to ramp up QT further in October 2018 and how QE has been going on for almost an entire decade. (It will be 10 years in November 2018 since QE and the bailouts started.) 

In early June, Ronnie also co-authored an excellent article for the Mises Institute that was featured on Zero Hedge called, "China Is In Trouble" where he discusses the massive credit bubble in China that has exploded in size the last decade

Jason and Ronnie also discuss gold, gold stocks and Bitcoin.