Monday 15 October 2018

Max Keiser On The FUTURE Of Bitcoin and The FALL Of The Banking System

Josh Sigurdson talks with Max Keiser of The Keiser Report on RT about the future of Bitcoin and blockchain technology as we see several attempts to create an ETF on Bitcoin. 

Max gives us his thoughts on it and surprisingly he's not overly concerned by the notion though points out the potential for us to see what happened in the gold markets with ETFs. 

Max also goes into where he thinks Bitcoin is going in the near future as so many analysts make absurd claims with no evidence to back them up other than speculation of course. 

Max also talks about the difference between decentralized cryptocurrency and a centrally planned cashless society like we see popping up in China and India. 

Finally, Max tells us what his favorite cryptocurrency outside of Bitcoin and Maxcoin is. It may or may not involve a market innovation allowing Venezuelans to feed themselves. Who wouldn't be in support of that?

- Source, World Alt Media