Thursday 22 November 2018

Ted Butler: JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Confirmed

This week's guest has spent a large portion of his adult life, working on knowledge revolving around commodity price discovery, most specifically in the silver market. 

Often within his research are acute questions such as who dictates or mostly influences price discovery? 

What are the How's and the why's for the prices we pay for critical commodities? Early last week, on November 6th 2018. 

The US Department of Justice confirmed much of what this week's guest has been publicly alleging year after year. 

If you have spent any time trying to understand JP Morgan's involvement in the silver market, high chance is you too have come across his spearheading work. 

This week, Ted Butler visits with us, to discuss the FBI's recent receiving of a guilty plea from a 13 year ex-precious metal derivative trader from JP Morgan. 

Facing a potential sentence of 30 years in prison, the individual (John Edwards) pled guilty to commodities fraud and spoofing conspiracy.

- Source, The Silver Doctors