Monday 11 November 2019

Egon Von Greyerz: Hell Will Soon Be Unleashed In Global Markets

“The gold price is determined in a Casino with massive leverage and it has nothing to do with the real price of physical gold. More about that later in the article…

At what point will gold turn from a minority interest, attracting less than 0.5% of world financial assets to a mass-market investment?

Two Decades Ago We Made This Important Decision…

Three decades ago I identified physical gold as the best asset to hold for wealth preservation purposes. Then, almost two decades ago we decided to invest properly in physical gold for ourselves and the investors we advised. Part of our wealth protection plan was obviously to store the gold outside the area we saw as the biggest risk, namely the financial system. Anyone who stores gold in a bank, ETF or some gold fund has not understood the purpose of physical gold.

Being holders of a minority asset means that 99.5% of the investment population sneers at you and believes you live on a different planet. As a company who passionately wants to help others to protect their wealth, we are fortunate to meet like-minded people. But most of our clients feel very isolated because they have no one to discuss their concerns about the world with.

I would advise anyone with a gold interest to attend a good precious metals conference. In the last two weeks I have been speaking at two excellent gold conferences. One was the Gold Symposium in Sydney and the other one the Edelmetallmesse (International Precious Metals & Commodities Show) in Munich. It is important to pick a conference which includes many participants talking about the risks in the world and who see gold as a remedy against these risks. Many gold conferences are more geared towards gold mining and therefore less interesting for the wealth preservationists.

For anyone who wants confirmation that they are not alone in their analysis of the risks in the world, it is good for the soul to attend one of these gold conferences. 

Both the show in Sydney and Munich had a very enthusiastic crowd. For someone who has written newsletters for many years and appeared in interviews, like myself, most people in the audience will know you and want to talk to you. The Australians are more expressive and want to shake your hand and have a photo taken. 

The Germans are a bit more shy but also have a lot of questions. Both conferences were very well attended — more than in previous years.

- Source, King World News, read more here