Friday 13 March 2020

Charles Nenner: No Way to Avoid the Coming Depression

Does it get worse before it get’s better? Nenner says, “I think we are heading for a depression. Usually we go into a recession at a 6% GDP. 

Now, we have 1.5% to 2% GDP. Usually, the Fed Funds are 6%, 7% or 8%. Now they are almost zero. What are they going to do when we get a recession? 

You get very fast a negative GDP. You get very fast a negative interest rate and it’s a big mess. This has been going on for many, many nice years and all the Fed presidents had tricks and let it go. 

They did not want to have a depression in their lifetime like the 1930’s. So they kept it going and now there is no way out anymore.” So, there is no avoiding a depression? Nenner says, “Yep, and it is going to be very bad.”

- Source, USA Watchdog