Tuesday 19 May 2020

Bo Polny: The Coming Gold Rush Will Be Epic, Like Never Before Seen

Cycle expert and financial analyst BoPolny thinks the stock market will have another leg down to “around 15,000 on the DOW, if not lower, by June of 2021.” 

Polny also says, “The markets are finished. We have only seen the start of a recession, and the next thing coming is a worldwide depression. So, what we have seen in the markets is only a warmup. 

We are in a recession going into a depression. This is the third seal of revelation which is a rebalancing of the financial system as we know it. 

The rebalancing specifically relates to gold, silver and paper. The world has been using a paper based monetary system that is, in essence, backed by nothing. 

You might want to say it is backed by good faith and confidence, but I don’t see much faith and confidence in this world anymore. We are going to have a gold rush, and it is going to be epic.”

- Source, USA Watchdog