Friday 29 May 2020

Peter Schiff: Buy Gold and Silver Now before It’s Too Late

Money printing by the Fed and Congress is off the charts. This is why money manager Peter Schiff thinks precious metals are a no-brainer investment. 

Schiff says, “It’s not that gold is gaining in value, it’s that fiat currencies are all losing value. 

Gold is the one stable factor. It’s the one thing governments can’t create out of thin air. Every currency in the world, except the dollar, are hitting new record lows against gold. You need more Euros, Rands or Aussie dollars to buy an ounce of gold.

The U.S. dollar is losing value more slowly, but this is going to change. We are going to win the race to the bottom.

People need to convert their dollars now into gold or silver. If you think the price of gold is going up now, wait til the dollar is the weakest of the currencies.

That’s going to accelerate the appreciation of gold and that’s going to put gold in the spotlight as the replacement to the U.S. dollar as the main reserve asset for global central banks.”

- Source, USA Watchdog