Monday 20 July 2020

Liberty & Finance: Think Your Not Lending Money to Insolvent Banks? Think Again

​Most savers in the US and Australia are not aware that their checking and savings “deposits” in the bank are legally unsecured loans subject to “BAIL-IN” by the banks (many of which are already insolvent on their books, and getting drastically worse with COVID Shutdown-related defaults). 

Although governments officials state that “all is well, nothing to see here, savings are protected,” the actual laws do not protect the ordinary saver, but the banks. 

Economist and public-interest advocate John Adams, co- host of “In the Interest of the People,” returns to Liberty and Finance / Reluctant Preppers to expose the dirty little secret trap that’s ready to spring on unsuspecting savers, and to announce his proposed amendment to close this loophole in Australia, which he has submitted to the Australian Parliament inquiry.