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Monday 27 June 2016

William Engdahl China & Russia Are Launching A Giant Gold Bull Market

William Engdahl explains America’s adversaries are using gold as money to pick up the pieces when the dollar self-destructs and the gold price explodes.

Friday 24 June 2016

Futures Now Boockvar on gold

Citing gold's movement following previous interest rate hikes, Lindsey Group Chief Market Analyst Peter Boockvar says that the precious commodity is heading higher.

- Source, CNBC

Thursday 23 June 2016

What You Need to Know About BREXIT - The Full Documentary

BREXIT THE MOVIE spells out the danger of staying part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline?

BREXIT THE MOVIE shows a side of the EU they don't want us to see: the sprawling self-serving bureaucracy, the political cynicism, the lack of accountability, the perks, the waste, the cronyism, the corruption.

BREXIT THE MOVIE cuts through the patronizing intellectualism of the noble, higher goals of 'Project Europe', to reveal the self-interestedness of the political-bureaucratic class which runs and benefits from the EU.

BREXIT THE MOVIE highlights the danger of becoming a prisoner in an insular, backward-looking Fortress Europe. And it explores the exciting opportunities that open up to us when we look beyond the narrow confines of the EU.

BREXIT THE MOVIE looks to the future, arguing forcefully and persuasively that it is safer and wiser to live in a country which is free, independent, self-governing, confident and global.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

A Financial Breakdown is Going to Send Gold Soaring

"At a minimum gold will rise to $3,000. A more likely scenario, however, is that the world's financial system will break down completely. In that case, gold will rise as high as $10,000 to $40,000 - a point at which all credit - paper will be backed by gold."

Steve Puetz

Saturday 18 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Global Elite Making Preparations For Post-Dollar World - Rob Kirby

Rob Kirby arranges gold sales between buyers and sellers by the ton. Kirby says the biggest concern for his customers is the U.S. dollar. Kirby says, “The dollar is going to be kicked off its perch. That is a guarantee. It’s only a matter of time . . . The universal message is people are trying to get, for the most part, as much of their assets into physical precious metals as they can. Precious metal is getting increasingly hard to buy.”

Has Kirby seen demand for precious metals higher than right now? Kirby says, “No, I haven’t. I also have never seen this much interest to procure or own physical precious metal. Up until 2010, central banks were net sellers of gold, and since 2010, they have been net buyers of physical precious metal, and they never bought more than last year, except this year will be bigger than last year.

- Source, USA Watchdog

Friday 10 June 2016

John Rubino - A Crisis Unlike We Have Seen In Human History

I sat down with John Rubino, Dollar Collapse, to discuss the current state of our economic world. In a very lively conversation we hit some of the more pressing items of the day. John has done a fantastic job of documenting the demise of the dollar since he co-authored ” The Collapse of the Dollar” with James Turk back in 2004. John’s insights and analysis are top shelf and should be on everyones list of people to follow.

How many “emergency” “secret” meetings do the central planners, around the world, need to have before the citizens of the respective countries begin to fully understand and take notice that something is very, very wrong? This year alone there have been several off-calendar meetings with, at least, one more now added to the docket.

The G-20 central planners have scheduled an “emergency” meeting for summer 2016. What will the topics be? Could it possibly be the fact the global economy is on the verge total collapse? With the Baltic Dry Index, Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, not to mention commodities, all spiraling out of control to the downside, do you think there may be a reason for these people to be concerned? My guess is they could care less and are simply meeting in order to determine how the remaining wealth, in their respective countries, will be divided as the global economy continues grinding to a halt.

If one simply looks at the following line-items it is clear for anyone to see something is about to hit the fan and it’s not anything anyone wants hitting the fan.