Middelkoop has some ominous concerns about the end of Plan A and where Plan B begins...
"By revaluing gold to a much higher level, to over $8000 an ounce, central bankers solve quite a lot of problems"
"But we know Plan A - the current financial system - will end soon, we can't go on this way... so we need a monetary reset... and a revaluation of gold has helped central bankers in the past, such as Roosevelt in the 1930s. It would help to restore the balance sheet of The Federal Reserve."
But there are problems...
"It always ends in inflation.. certainly in 2016, we can expect more QE... and when that does not defeat deflation (driven by global over-indebtedness), further unorthodox measures will be taken (helicopter money).. and eventually a gold revaluation."
In this episode of the Gold series, Willem Middelkoop, founder of the Commodities Discovery Fund, dives into the history of monetary shifts and explores a scenario where the US dollar could be debunked as the global reserve currency. Willem discusses the possibility of gold being incorporated back into the monetary system, outlining the knock-on effects and the role of central banks in this scenario.
Grab a glass of wine (or something stronger) and enjoy...
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