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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Alasdair Macleod - Gold Rising, Dollar Going Down

Alasdair Macleod, who is an expert in precious metals, says, “The fundamental reason gold (prices) is getting better is the dollar is getting weaker. The strength of the dollar in 2015 was all about falling commodity prices. Commodity producers all owe dollars. The result was when their incomes dropped, they had to cover the dollars that weren’t going to get rolled over. The bank was not going to roll over dollars for Brazil or Glencore. 

That period is over, and the reason it is over is China now has its 13th five year plan, which is aimed at developing the rest of Asia. . . . It wants to give it an industrial revolution. You have a turn that has actually occurred in commodities, and if commodity prices are rising, then by definition, the purchasing power of the dollar is falling. The price of commodities over a long period of time tends to drop. The price of commodities measured in dollars tends to rise over a long period of time and quite spectacularly. . . . 

You can see this relationship between the dollar and gold priced in commodities is the thing to watch. . . . The natural drift for the dollar is down. There is a reason for foreigners to sell the U.S. dollar, and this is the key thing. . . . I see gold going better . . . because the dollar is going down.”