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Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Welcome to Dystopia: Was The Euro Doomed to Fail?

Jason and Phil discuss the latest European banking crisis. This time the problems are in Italy, which according to top respected institutional bank analyst, Christopher Whalen, who was recently in Paris for conferences about European banks, Italian banks have around a 30% non performing loan book https://www.theinstitutionalriskanaly... 

Jason and Phil talk about how basically since the 2008 financial crisis the Federal Reserve has been helping to keep the EU, ECB and European banks alive with trillions in currency swaps and how the ECB after Mario Draghi's "Whatever It Takes" speech almost 6 years ago, the ECB changed its bylaws to enable itself to start doing massive amounts of QE in the last few years to covertly bailout its banks. 

After only a few years of QE, the ECB's balance sheet is almost to $5 trillion US Dollars already and larger than the balance sheets of the Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve. But, this won't be enough to fully save all the Italian banks and banks like Deutsche Bank, which just laid off thousands more workers and sold one of its most profitable businesses for cash to delay bankruptcy.