He became involved in the resource market in 2003, shortly after losing a good portion of his investments in the dot.com crash. Those lessons helped him look for sectors that are undervalued.
He feels that “The merger of Barrick and Rand Gold is very good for the sector. At sector tops and bottoms there is a lot of merger and acquisitions. This is very encouraging.” He likes the Rand Gold model along with their criteria for acquiring companies which he also uses when examining mining companies.
He advises his clients where to be based on the market cycle. Currently, he is staying away from optionality plays. He likes early age exploration with plays good management teams, targets, and properties.
Gold priced has been hit hard recently by the US Dollar Strength. Unfortunately, the recent bearish dollar has had minimal effect on the price of gold. He says, "Were in a very toppy stock market. It’s advisable to take a wait and see attitude with much of your holdings in cash."
The Fed removed “accommodative” from their statement Wednesday and shares sold off on the GDX. Leading up to the meeting things were starting to get bullish, but now it appears there is potential for a double bottom in the gold market.
David describes the services he provides in his newsletter, why it’s different, and how he is geared towards making his subscribers money.
- Source, Palisade Radio